
Thursday, January 26, 2012


Heyo Reader!  How're you?

I have about ten minutes before I head off to my philosophy class... what better to do with ten minutes than write a blog post right?  Yes.  So after class I am going to try to crank out an essay, breeze through the rest of my homework, maybe eat something, and then head off to see an acoustic show around 10.  Good day?  I think so, but that doesn't mean I don't need a weekend... right now preferably.

Seriously, since when did we make everything so black and white?  You know those color pallets with maybe 10 colors on them?  Then have you seen those full color spectra like the customize section of the Microsoft Paint program?  Life is a spectrum, not a dichotomy.  We dichotomize everything!  Why?  Well, it's easier to organize in our heads, but life offers so much more variety when we understand that almost every experience is taken from a spectrum of experiences.  Think about all the false dichotomies we encounter in life.  These are, but are not limited to: gender, sexuality, leadership, even race. I mean really, how much more colorful can life be if we accept the entire spectrum as reality instead of just a limited pallet of color?  False dichotomy is a logical fallacy for a reason.

I was thinking about how I've changed from more of a leader to more of a follower the other day.  Then I smacked myself in the head and told myself to stop being so ridiculous about the whole thing.  My leadership roles have shifted, turned a few degrees to the right or left maybe, but they have not completely reversed.  I am simply more comfortable taking control in different situations than I have been in the past, and I'm much more content to be led.

We can't just live life pigeon-holing ourselves into one set role, position, or anything else.  We are humans and we change.  Everything about ourselves, be it personality, preferences, interests, whatever you can think of, has the capacity to shift and shift fairly often.  It's okay to recognize in yourself the fact that you are a dynamic human being.  Just accept it and go with it.  Enjoy the dynamic ride. Who we are, and what we are is just a flexible point on a spectrum.  Spectra are epic--take rainbows for example.  Nothing is better than a good rainbow... except a double rainbow...

Have the most excellent of days.



  1. I think you just answered all the questions you posed in Nicole's blog. :)
