Sorry Reader,
I know I've been a little bit AWOL lately--computer issues. But I'll be back online soon enough.
Between guest writing on Dorm Room 718 and this blog, I focus a lot on appreciating the small things, almost to the point of overkill. I'm sure you get it--small things and simple pleasures are important. The thing is, when you're far away in college, it's pretty much all you have. You don't have a permanent home, you're disconnected from your old friends and family, you don't have a fully stocked fridge to just grab a snack from--heck if you're like me you don't even have carpet. Little things get you through the days, weeks, and months.
Sometimes those little things turn into big things. Right now I'm chilling in a lounge and listening to the same song on repeat over and over and over again. Funny how a song can affect your mood. I listen to music when I want to be sad, be happy, or right now when I just want to maintain whatever mood this is. It's just nice to have that ability to listen to a song on repeat.
I'll tell you something else I didn't expect to come out of my college experience. I didn't expect to find a church family. I didn't expect to attend any church. Heck I'm not even that religious, but I've been lucky enough to fall into the company of people who put me into awkward situations which lead to such things as having the routine of attending a worship service. There, I've met some truly lovely people who've made me feel completely and utterly welcome. It is honestly the last thing I expected to find while in college and I know it's something I'll never find at home.
It's just funny to think about how important having a routine on Sunday has been for me. So Reader? appreciate the little things, especially when you notice they're becoming big things. That's how you can tell life is shifting--especially in better directions.
Be cool, be epic, love the sunshine.
Never say never :)