
Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hello lovely Reader! It's Nicole here.

Let me just say, yesterday was rough.

I couldn't stop laughing.

I mean, I really couldn't stop laughing. I don't know what came over me, but when Megan came over to my dorm after class, I just started to giggle. Then Megan couldn't stop laughing because I couldn't. It lasted solidly for an hour, then sporadically for the rest of the night. Nothing was particularly funny, but apparently I found it to be all hilarious.

To be honest, yesterday was rough. I had class at 8:30, volunteering the costume studio in the theatre from 10-11, then class from 11:50 to 1, and then homework until dinner at 6, then I had to write a speech and practice a monologue for class today. It was just long and I didn't have a lot of time relax. I took a half hour nap, but it was accidental. So let's just say my giggle fit was quite needed in my life.

A few months ago, Megan figured out I was very ticklish. When she discovered this, she said my 'tickle-giggle' was adorable...I didn't even know I had a 'tickle-giggle'. The more I thought about having different kinds of laughter, the more sense it made. Think of different situations when you laugh: with friends, at a movie, looking at photos or videos online, etc. There are ton of different types of laughter:

1. The tickle-giggle.
2. The "you-don't-get-the-joke-so-you-laugh-anyways" laugh.
3. The "you-just-fell-and-it's funny" laugh.
4. Trying to relieve tension.
5. The bursting laugh.
6. The inconspicuous laugh.
7. The pity laugh.
And so many more...

Here's what epic: laughter comes in so many different forms and in so many different situations. Someones all you need a good laughing fit after a long day or a little humor in a dark time. Life get's a bit down sometimes, but even science proves that if you smile, you feel a bit happier. I even heard that if you spend a few minutes just laughing every morning, your happiness will increase. So enjoy laughter because it's pretty epic.

Be epic and keep on being lovely.


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