Hi Reader!
Okay, so today is Ash Wednesday and I grew up Catholic so I'm familiar with the significance and usual events that go along with Lent and things like that and while I am not really religious, I think now would be a good time to carry out a personal experiment. You know how sometimes you just have to go crazy and change things up a bit? This is one of those times. My existence has been way too boring as of late so I am going to do something a little bit crazy.
For the season of Lent, I am going to attempt to go vegetarian. Woah, crazy right? Not so much. I mean, I've been toying around with that concept and idea since I was 8 years old and so I'm supportive of the lifestyle, I have many many vegetarian friends and even two vegetarian professors at the moment. It's a more common thing on a college campus and I feel like it really is not that difficult or uncommon as it used to be. It's still a big thing and I don't want to downplay the lifestyle by any means. It feels like a big thing to me at least. Idk, I'm also slightly hyper at the moment...
So, this experiment is really a personal test, just to see what I can and cannot do. If I stick it out for 40 days then I will have a fantastic experience and story to tell. If I don't, well then that will be lame, but I also feel no religious obligation and thus hopefully won't feel as guilty, though I really do want to do this for the personal gain. If it sticks longer than the 40 days, well then, I will go from there, and if it stops after 40 days, I still think I will gain something valuable from the experience.
I believe the most challenging part of this will be the conscious effort of changing my lifestyle. I am no carnivore by any means, but I am still comfortable in my omnivorous ways. I need motivation other than just an experiment which I have both through friends and personal experiences with relatives working in agriculture as well as classes I'm taking, one focused heavily on food insecurity and poverty. So, I'm counting on you veggies out there to hold me to my promise. Am I crazy? Quite possibly. But I find epic growth comes out of epically crazy ideas
Be well, be epic!
Welcome to the dark side...we have vegetables.